The Civil War Talk Radio Companion

Episode Information

Previous Episode Episode No. 2005 Season No. 20 Next Episode

The Civil War Letters of Sarah Kennedy: Life under Occupation in the Upper South

Minoa  Uffelman September 27, 2023

Minoa Uffelman, co-editor of "The Civil War Letters of Sarah Kennedy: Life under Occupation in the Upper South"

Gerry's Opening Monologue -
"This is Gerry Prokopowicz, with Civil War Talk Radio,...

...The Civil War affected those on the home front as well as on the battlefield, but we don't as often hear the voices of those who kept the home fires burning. Nanny Haskins, Sarepta Jordan and Sarah Kennedy all from Middle Tennessee, suffered wartime trials and tragedies like millions of other women. But thanks to a team of scholars working with the 'Voices of the Civil War Series' from the University of Tennessee Press, we can now share those experiences through their diaries and letters. We'll talk with Professor Minoa Uffelman, one of the Co-editors of 'The Civil War Letters of Sarah Kennedy: Life under Occupation in the Upper South.' That's tonight on Civil War Talk Radio."

This Episode is available in 1 segment.

Segment 1 -  
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